Swiss Company QoQa Automates with KNAPP

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New order from Switzerland: QoQa opts for automation solution by KNAPP

With over one million members, popular e-commerce business QoQa decided to invest in a tailor-made automated warehouse solution by KNAPP. The system is designed to significantly optimize processes while keeping order processing flexible. The startup of the new system is planned for spring 2026.


Flexibility meets efficiency

QoQa has dedicated themselves to engaging with their community, earning the title Digital Commerce Award in 2024. For more than 18 years, QoQa’s members have enjoyed attractive deals and a broad and varying range of products and experiences from wine to sports equipment, furniture and more. The company ranks among the top 20 online retailers in Switzerland and is planning for continued growth, particularly in the German-speaking areas of the country. Their expansion plans require a new distribution center, which will be built in Eclépens, a municipality in the canton of Vaud. This decision demonstrates QoQa’s commitment to the Swiss business location, which has also gained in importance for KNAPP. Stefan Güdel, Managing Director of KNAPP Switzerland, explains: “Switzerland is an important market for KNAPP as we are working with many companies there such as Victorinox, Voigt and Migros. We are looking forward to assisting QoQa, another Swiss company, in reaching their growth targets.”

The new warehouse logistics system will be up for a range of processes as QoQa’s business model includes ordering a large quantity of items – some of which are stored, some of which are shipped directly. Smart order fulfillment is needed to handle daily special offers as well as the increasing level of kitting. Kitting makes shipping processes more efficient, as different products are bundled into handling units. However, it requires meticulous planning and coordination to ensure that the right items are bundled in the right quantity. To meet QoQa’s unique requirements and better serve their community members, KNAPP designed an intelligent and compact system, proving that KNAPP’s customers, both large and small, can expect a tailored automation solution – whether they need a semi-automatic system to help them get started or a fully automatic distribution center for top performance.

One of KNAPP’s guiding principles is understanding the customer’s business model and the challenges they are facing in their particular industry. The all-in-one solutions are then adapted to match the customer and cover the warehouse processes they need. Michael Grüneis, Sales Account Manager at KNAPP, describes collaboration with QoQa as follows: “Our communication with each other has been open and based on trust from the beginning, which had a very positive effect on the working atmosphere. By holding joint workshops and sharing each other’s technical experience, we developed a logistics concept that everyone is proud of.” 


Fit for the future

The new automated warehouse solution smoothly coordinates and optimizes warehouse operations. It includes classic high-bay racking, stacker cranes, container and pallet conveyor systems as well as Pick-to-Light work stations to support picking, and flow racks for first-in first-out (FIFO) storage, which are especially suitable for handling fast-moving items. KNAPP’s tailored KiSoft software is also part of the package, including a warehouse management system (WMS) to manage stock, orders and storage locations, and a warehouse control system (WCS) to control the integrated technologies. “Thanks to this new warehouse, logistics will become a real competitive advantage for QoQa and for our Qommunity”, states Natacha Krattinger Pot, Head of Supply Chain at QoQa. For Baptiste Lopez Mosimann, Project Manager at QoQa, “it will also represent an improvement in terms of ergonomics and quality of work”.


Press contact

Daniela Tulézi
Press Relations
Günter-Knapp-Straße 5-7
8075 Hart bei Graz | Österreich
Tel.: +43 676 8979 8719