Brigitte Wagner is Spare Parts Purchasing Manager at KNAPP

You can find out what her job involves, what makes it so enjoyable and why she is so glad to work at KNAPP right here!

Brigitte Wagner
Brigitte Wagner 2

What are your
main responsibilities?

My main task is to coordinate and manage all the spare part orders as part of customer support. Here’s how I see it: I help ensure that things run smoothly for our customers and that they always have the right spare parts in the right quantities and in the right place. I also work closely with our suppliers, developing respectful partnership with them because trust makes all our negotiations with each other much easier.  

What kind of education, experience or interests should you have for your job?

My job requires an interest in commercial matters. Understanding the technology is also important for estimating the effects of a spare part on the overall system at the customer’s site. A certain degree of independence is also necessary, to be able to respond quickly or to take proactive measures. Negotiation skills are also advantageous to help us have the best possible margin while maintaining the high quality standards that our customers from around the world expect from us.

Which three words would best describe your job?

Stimulating. Interesting. Teamwork.

What do you like most about your job?

Mastering the challenges, both great and small, brings me real satisfaction, and I am proud to do my work independently, contributing to the success of our company.

Why do you enjoy working for KNAPP?

I like working for KNAPP because our team is simply the best! The solidarity and tackling things together – that’s what makes our team so strong. At the same time, my work is really fulfilling: I can put my talents and strengths to the test and my efforts are recognized and appreciated.

Three employees toss blocks of wood labelled with in the direction of the camera.

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