Supplier Portal

Against the backdrop of an increasingly digitalized world, we are continuously updating our supply chain processes so that we can improve the efficiency and quality of our processes over the long term, together with you. To this end, we have spent the past months preparing for the introduction of a new standardized solution to strengthen our performance management and our relationships with our suppliers. This solution will allow us to communicate with you digitally through the Ariba network and to follow ESG topics (environmental, social, governance) both more efficiently and effectively.

To familiarize you with the new process, we have prepared comprehensive documentation, which you will find in the next section.
The FAQ section contains further information on the Supplier Portal at KNAPP. If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact form. Thank you for taking this big step forward with us and for strengthening our partnership.

Go live Supplier Portal - January 2025!

How do I become a supplier?

Suppliers can submit an application or receive an invitation from a KNAPP employee. For the registration process, we will need general information on your company, such as the name, contact person, commodity group and the KNAPP organization you are applying to supply.
Suppliers can submit a speculative application or receive an invitation from a KNAPP employee. For the registration process, we will need general information on your company, such as the name, contact person, commodity group and the KNAPP organization you are applying to supply.
In the next step, you will be invited to the qualification process, if applicable. This process ensures that all requirements and regulations for the specific commodity group are met. Qualification is a requirement for receiving and responding to invitations to tender.
Congratulations! You are now ready to work with KNAPP.

FAQ Area

What is SAP Ariba? What are the advantages of using it to do business?

SAP Ariba is the largest B2B trade platform in the world. The digital marketplace offers a space for companies to maintain their business relationships and conduct transactions efficiently. According to SAP, around 4.4 million companies from 190 countries bought and sold approximately 195 million catalogue items and made 180 million transactions with a volume of 2.9 billion US dollars on the Ariba network in 2019. Using the SAP Ariba network to conduct transactions is not just an asset for KNAPP, but for our suppliers as well.

How does KNAPP implementing Ariba affect me as a supplier?

Implementing Ariba SLP means that all suppliers must register in the Ariba network.

What are the advantages of being part of the Ariba network?

Conducting transactions using the SAP Ariba network is not only advantageous for KNAPP, but for our suppliers as well.
Here are the advantages at a glance:

  • The largest B2B online marketplace worldwide
  • Real-time access
  • End-to-end transparency
  • Further business opportunities
  • Lower process costs

What will happen to my current QAD ASTRAS account?

All suppliers with an existing account in QAD ASTRAS will need to register for Ariba. Existing data will not be migrated.

Do I have to register for the Ariba network as a supplier? Where can I find information about how to register?

If your company is already part of the SAP Ariba network:
If you are already a member of the SAP Ariba network, you can use your existing account for transactions with KNAPP.
Contacting KNAPP early will speed up the onboarding process significantly and will help build up our business relationship in the Ariba network quickly.

If your company is not yet part of the SAP Ariba network:
Select your account type in the Ariba network. SAP offers two different account types for Ariba network partners.
You can select whichever account type you prefer. However, catalogue suppliers must have an enterprise account.
During the initial implementation of Ariba SLP at KNAPP, the standard (light) account will be sufficient. Further Ariba modules (such as buying, guided buying, sourcing etc.) will go live in a second step in the near future.

LINK to register:
Before you register / SAP Help Portal

Are there any costs associated with joining the Ariba network for me as a supplier?

You can select whichever account type you prefer.
A standard account is a good choice if your annual document volume is low. All relevant documents (orders, confirmations, invoices) can be processed with the standard account, although it does not offer all network functionalities. For example, orders are only saved in the Ariba network for a limited amount of time.

If you would like to offer KNAPP an e-catalogue, you can select either the standard account or an enterprise account. However, an enterprise account is recommended so that you receive support from Ariba when setting up and publishing the catalogue. This function is not available for users with a standard account. With a standard account, you will have to activate the catalogue yourself using the instructions provided by Ariba. An enterprise account is also recommended if you frequently exchange documents with LEONI and/or other customers and wish to make use of all of the Ariba network’s functions.

While the standard account for the SAP Ariba network is free, a yearly fee is required for the SAP Ariba network, enterprise account. However, if your number of transactions remains below a certain threshold, the enterprise account will not generate any fees. In general, the fees are determined by SAP Ariba and cannot be influenced by KNAPP.

Who can I contact if I am having trouble registering?

We will do our best to ensure that you are completely prepared for the registration process. If you are having difficulties, please take a look at the registration instructions, which will likely answer most of your questions. For further questions, please contact us using the contact form on our website.

What are the consequences of not registering?

You must be a member of the SAP Ariba network to maintain your supplier relationship after KNAPP introduces SAP Ariba SLP.

Which processes does KNAPP carry out using Ariba?

KNAPP is digitalizing source-to-contract and purchase-to-pay processes with the help of the cloud-based platform SAP Ariba. The Ariba network will be the only way for suppliers to do business with KNAPP in the future. The goal of switching to a single digital platform is to optimize and modernize KNAPP’s business processes.

You must be registered and qualified in Ariba to be considered for future invitations to tender.

Operational procurement processes are also included in this digitalization strategy (easier to place orders, create delivery schedules etc.).

Training material

Here you will find documents and information on the registration process
Click here for the SAP training material

For further questions, please contact our experts and send us your request

What is your question, comment or concern?*

You can find answers to many of your questions in the  SAP-Ariba-Netzwerk & Help Portal

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