Innovators. Progressive thinkers. Shapers of the future. We develop innovative technologies, we think outside the box, we create trends – to make a long story short, we shape the future of logistics. But how do we do that? We collaborate closely with our customers, right from the start. Only by knowing our customers, by truly understanding their requirements and business goals, can we master challenges together and achieve long-term success.
No challenge is too great if we work together as equals
As we create the future together, it’s no wonder that there are challenges. In the logistics market, these challenges are becoming ever more complex. The basic principles of logistics haven’t changed – the right goods at the right time in the right place. The requirements, however, are more stringent than ever. The idea is to strive for excellence in quality and performance, while keeping costs low, making optimal use of available space, and working with limited resources. New business areas, shaped by e-commerce and omni-channel fulfilment, are also a huge topic for our customers.
We are progressive thinkers, we are shapers of the future – no challenge is too complex for us to tackle. Just as Henry Ford did, we also believe that “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. We grow with every challenge, we keep improving and we keep boosting our know-how.
From initial design to finished concept
How does this positive attitude shape our work on a project? And how does it contribute to collaborative success? Mario Rauch, Director of Digital Business Models, KNAPP AG, explains:
“The concepts of logistics processes and procedures are especially vague in the initial phase of a project. That’s why we take the time to get to know the customer and their business, identifying what makes them unique. The goal is to interpret the requirements correctly, make them transparent and then create a tailor-made system solution that provides the customer with the ideal support for their business, while also leaving them with room for individuality and future growth. We accompany our customers on the journey from the initial designs to the finished concept that forms the foundation of the real solution – and this has visible results.”

Asking the right questions to achieve long-term success
Our goal is to translate the individuality of each customer into efficient processes. Mario Rauch explains how we achieve this goal: “Mutual trust is what makes projects successful at the end of the day. Therefore, it is crucial to forge a stable interpersonal relationship right from the start. In our experience, this can best be achieved with workshops. We sit down together, ask a lot of questions, and listen carefully. It’s vital for us to understand the customer’s business values, to figure out their key business relations, and how we can best employ our logistics solutions to help optimize these connections. This frank way of working together fosters a close relationship and all-important trust. In short, it provides the very ingredients for successful projects.”

We only have to ask the right questions to help tackle our customers’ challenges:
- Which processes must be integrated?
- Which goals should be achieved?
- Which needs must be fulfilled?
- Which business models should be catered to?
- What is the article range like?
- Are there any planned value-added services?
- Which requirements must the warehouse be capable of fulfilling in the future?
What, in your opinion, is so special about this customer approach?
Mario Rauch explains, “We are creating the foundation for the successful implementation of the entire project and for our customers’ long-term success with this approach. With our strategy, the customer knows at a very early stage how the logistics solution will work. This significantly reduces the investment risk. The way we address our customers is both logical and courageous. In this world steeped in technology, talking solely on a technical level is easy. Data, facts and figures are ever-present and tend to dominate conversations.
But this unbalanced approach is not without risk; the customer could apply facts and figures to their reality on their own, without our input. They need to consider whether the investment will pay off. This is where we have changed our approach, we act as consultants right from the start. Figuratively speaking, we start by building a bridge, and then use this bridge to deliver our suggestions, our concepts and our innovations. Today’s world is changing rapidly, and so are business models. We therefore deliver flexible, scalable solutions than can easily be adapted to diverse challenges. After all, we want our customers to make the most of their investment.”
Thank you for talking with us!
Further reading recommendations

E-Commerce brachte in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine der größten und weitreichendsten Veränderungen in verschiedensten Branchen mit sich, vor allem in der Fashion-Industrie, denn in der Entwicklung des Online-Handels ist die Fashion-Branche Spitzenreiter. Was dieser Anstieg für die Logistik bedeutet und wie Robotik hilft, Herausforderungen zu meistern, lesen Sie hier.

The demands placed on production and logistics today are manifold. Combining an automatic storage system and autonomous mobile robots allows you to automate countless processes intelligently and flexibly.

A solid partnership is essential to overcoming the challenges of the future and ultimately be successful. But what characterizes a solid partnership in the B2B sector? And how can both partners benefit from it? Read on to find out.