Change is the only constant in life.
It’s not just our private lives that are in constant change, professional changes are also shaping our everyday working lives. Digital transformation, big data and artificial intelligence are keywords that are revolutionizing our working world for good. Current trends are re-shaping our jobs in almost every sector. That’s why, if you want to keep up, it’s time to rethink.
These changes are also impacting the logistics sector. This is why we always keep up with the latest developments and stay engaged with current trends and technologies, actively shaping them. As innovators, progressive thinkers and shapers of the future, our daily work involves finding new ways to think about and approach the issues of today. We can therefor offer our customers the solutions and services that are demanded by today’s fast-paced markets.
The faces behind our innovative technologies
New trends also call for new occupational fields. As a result, we now have professions that seemed inconceivable just a few years ago. We would like to introduce some of the colleagues behind our innovative technologies who are now working in occupational fields of the future. Read on to see what these jobs involve and what makes them so exciting.
Johannes Bannhofer: Senior Software Engineer
Artificial intelligence, or machine learning to be precise, has been a buzzword around KNAPP for a long time. In the Robots and Machine Learning department, specifically established for this area, experts join forces to work on the artificial intelligence for our solutions, most importantly for the Pick-it-Easy Robot. Johannes Bannhofer is on the team.
Johannes has been working at KNAPP for nine years, where he has built upon his already substantial knowledge of software development with the related logistics expertise, which is just as important if not more so when advancing our solutions.
I work on algorithms that allow computer programs to learn from data – or more precisely, my colleagues and I equip our products with the necessary intelligence to allow us to adapt them to the demands of our customers. It’s fascinating to then see how the systems learn automatically. Our knowledge of software and machine learning, added to our decades of experience as a logistics partner is the perfect combination to breathe intelligent life into our solutions.
Bianca Rotter: Software Developer
Innovative technologies for intelligent image recognition and processing are our passion. These solutions are used for automatic quality checks.
Bianca Rotter has been working with image processing since 2013. When she first started, her responsibilities covered internal documentation and coordinating products and projects that were based around image processing solutions. Bianca now develops prototypes and implements image processing solutions to be part of entire projects or products. This also entails testing and enhancing the solutions.
Bianca sees change as something positive:
Only by changing can we continue to make progress. I work with new tasks and take on new challenges every day and the work that I do over the course of a project is incredibly varied. It is unbelievably exciting to witness the development of a product from the planning all the way through to its implementation.
Christoph Scherübl: Head of Digital Solutions
In the Digital Solutions department, we work on new and innovative services for the KNAPP group that move away from the classic operative systems. We focus on introducing and promoting intelligent services for the company and our customers – from the idea to the finished solution.
In particular, Christoph Scherübl works in the area of digital platforms and the strategic alignment and planning for new solutions. He is also involved intensively with developing future business models. Christoph explains the additional benefit of this work for our customers as follows:
In this digital age, the level of service and the flexibility of the products and services we offer are in high demand with customers. With new technologies involved in so many aspects of our daily lives, our customers are right to expect the same from us. We happily live up to these expectations and more. With this in mind, we take our motto of “making complexity simple” even further and, by using the most modern technologies, make our solutions more accessible to all.
Alessandro Freidl: Director Onsite Services, Certified ITIL® Expert
Alessandro Freidl has been part of the team since 2002. He started his KNAPP career in the Installation department. From there, he moved onto Development before eventually joining Customer Service. As Service Delivery Manager, he discovered his affinity for working directly with customers. Now, he is responsible for developing and, in particular, establishing our Smart Services with our customers. Alessandro Freidl and his team are responsible for planning and implementing intralogistics optimization projects.
We help our customers to identify and analyse key figures before working with them on diverse optimization scenarios. As partners, we are able to increase both stability and efficiency. The new technologies and the challenges involved in adapting our services to them is incredibly exciting and something that I love to do.
Further reading recommendations

As innovators, the continual development of our products is essential. This is how we remain strong and reliable partners for our customers worldwide.

Digitization and societal trends are also changing the way we work: how we work, where we work and our role as humans. What will our…

New technologies are changing the workplace of people in logistics and production. Smart workers is what we call this new generation of workers. In the following blogpost, a smart worker takes us on a trip through tomorrow’s world of work.