The cloud has a silver lining. That’s great news because the forecast for the world of SAP has just shifted from clear skies to cloudy. Christian Klein, CEO of SAP, announced that the latest innovations for all SAP® standard solutions, including SAP® EWM, will only be available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. This move raises two questions. One, how can I migrate my logistics processes from an older version of SAP® EWM to SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud? And two, will the SAP Cloud deliver the level of system performance I need to keep highly automated processes running smoothly? We answer these questions and more in this blog post, using one of our highest performing migration projects with an SAP® EWM solution as an example. The solution processes 450,000 MFS telegrams per hour with a latency of around 25 milliseconds. Read on to learn all about it!
Not all clouds are created equal: S/4HANA Cloud, private edition or public edition?
Since 2019, all subsequent releases of SAP® EWM 9.5 have been exclusively part of the SAP S/4HANA suite. The SAP S/4HANA® database technology is ideal for the logistics industry thanks to its high performance and short processing times, and its speed increases the overall performance of the logistics system.
In addition to the well-known embedded and decentralized on-premise variants, SAP S/4HANA® also offers license models for the cloud. While on-premise installations continue to run on servers owned by the customer, SAP provides the IT infrastructures for the cloud through a subscription service. There are two options for this software as a service model: private or public edition.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, is comparable to the classic on-premise option by SAP® EWM. This software solution offers the same functions and advantages as a decentralized or embedded version – just in the cloud, allowing users to customize and modify the SAP® EWM standard system. SAP also cooperates with hyperscalers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Alibaba. Users can select the provider they want and the system is hosted on a private server that is managed by SAP.
In contrast, SAP® EWM for SAP S/4HANA, public edition is a multi-tenant solution. This means that the SAP S/4HANA Cloud is used by multiple SAP customers and has a smaller scope than SAP® EWM for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.
Which cloud option is best for you depends on your company’s needs. However, the same decision-making criteria apply for both cloud and on-premise solutions. After taking the existing SAP® EWM solution into account, these criteria are:
- Scope of function
- Material flow
- Degree of automation
- Required latency and availability of the network

Use case: 450,000 SAP® EWM MFS telegrams an hour in S/4HANA Cloud, private edition
These reference points also laid the groundwork for choosing the right cloud solution in the best practice example we mentioned earlier. Our customer, a retail group who is active worldwide, selected their highly automated distribution center as the pilot project for their logistics network.
Overview of the distribution center
degree of automation
subsystems integrated into SAP® EWM and controlled by SAP® EWM
telegrams per hour
Along with the high degree of automation and the required latency, the customizability of the existing SAP® EWM solution was crucial for the final decision. Response times in SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, were thoroughly checked and found to be sufficient to migrate our retail customer’s high-performance end-to-end SAP® EWM system landscape to the SAP Cloud.
The migration project for our retail customer began in late 2022 and successfully went live in October 2023 after extensive testing in the emulator and in the system. The entire SAP® solution is hosted by the hyperscaler SAP on Microsoft Azure in Zurich, Switzerland. The distribution center is also located in Switzerland.
During this migration project, we and our customer gleaned six essential tips that are helpful for any SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud migration project, whether the level of automation is high or low. We share them with you below.

6 tips for migrating from SAP® EWM 9.5 to SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud, private edition
What about your SAP® EWM cloud solution?
Whether SAP’s long-term strategy will be cloud-only or simply cloud-first remains to be seen. However, it’s clear that SAP® EWM for S4/HANA Cloud, public or private edition, are both solid deployment options. Our best practice example also shows that response times are no reason to not use the cloud. In fact, the response times in SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud, private edition are even fast enough to smoothly manage warehouses with a high degree of automation and complex processes.
Now there’s just one question left: What about your SAP® EWM cloud solution? We’re happy to get you started on your own personal migration to SAP® EWM for S/4HANA Cloud. Want to know more? Drop us a line at
Further reading recommendations

What are 11 questions should you absolutely ask yourself before carrying out an SAP® EWM implementation project? Read on and find out in this blog post.

Putting the regulations on serialization and rules into practice is a decisive factor in ensuring an efficient warehouse management system in the pharmaceutical sector. Find out in this blog post what smart functions and solutions SAP® EWM by KNAPP offers.